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Friday the 13th

Neil Robertson

Stagfire’s Marine Biologist is a qualified volunteer Marine Mammal Medic with the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR). BDMLR is an organisation dedicated to the rescue and well-being of all marine animals in distress around the UK. Marine Mammal Medic’s are trained in seal, dolphin and whale rescue techniques and can be called to the aid of stranded marine mammal anytime day or night.

On the morning of Friday the 13th a texted alert was issued by BDMLR for a live dolphin stranding near Cromarty. Our Marine Biologist was in the area and able to respond to this call to attend the stranding of two Common dolphins. Thanks to all the efforts from those who attended including members of the public and the SSPCA, one adult female Common Dolphin was refloated and able to swim away. However very sadly her calf died and he was taken away for a post-mortem examination by The Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme.

Details on what to do if you find a strand marine mammal or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer Marine Mammal Medic can be found on the British Divers Marine Life Rescue website.

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